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Vericred Website Design and Development

Vericred is the leading healthcare data services company; transforming the healthcare experience through providing customers with features, functionalities, and user experiences that transform the way health insurance is quoted, sold, enrolled, and used.

Simplifying the Exchange of Health Insurance & Employee Benefits

Vericred approached Big Drop with the goal of redesigning and reimagining its digital presence and positioning strategy. With the objective of elevating Vericred’s “as a platform” business model, we helped to provide a cleaner UX that would drive sales, carry brand continuity, and provide a high-level overview on solutions offered.

In telling Vericred’s story in a compelling way to all members of the platform, we provided a digital presence that would take the Vericred brand guidelines to the next level. Working together closely, Big Drop was able to create a modern, technologically driven, and innovative digital presence with a focus on clear messaging, lead generation, and information discovery.

In terms of lead generation, Big Drop focused on segmenting target audience members to create a path for user self-identification. In order to provide users with better access to more relevant content, we provided a content strategy to engage users with the right information and funnel audiences from the health-tech ecosystem into a clean and conversion oriented sales funnel.

With a focus on information discovery and brand continuity, it was important to highlight the Vericred brand story front and center. Big Drop optimized engaging animation and infographics to clearly explain who Vericred is and what Vericred offers.Through unique multimedia content and a cleaner UX, we were able to showcase Vericred’s accomplishments and missions, specific to varying target audiences, without relying on large blocks of text.

In building brand continuity, it was crucial that the new Vericred digital presence reflected a professional, credible, and knowledgeable look & feel. We accomplished this through creating a robust “Resources” section to showcase thought leadership, promote credibility and highlight the groundbreaking work being done by the Vericred team.

After weeks of collaboration, we were able to create a robust digital presence that would take Vericred’s Platform Business Model to the next level. Overall, this site demonstrates a powerful sales and marketing tool, guiding target audience members toward conversion through professional and innovative user journeys.


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