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Recogni delivers state-of-the-art visual perception for Autonomous Vehicles. Through the ability to process high-resolution camera data in real-time, Recogni allows self-driving cars to navigate without any human intervention under any condition.

Built for Any Scenario

Recogni reached out to Big Drop to redesign and redevelop its existing digital presence. From the beginning, the goal of this site was to clearly articulate what Recogni does, how they do it, and why they do it better than everyone else in its industry.

In bringing Recogni’s new digital presence to life, Big Drop set out to highlight the true value of the world’s first Peta-Op class inference solution. It was crucial for the new website to be built with seamless performance, ensuring a UI/UX experience that tells the brand story in a concise manner for users to easily understand what Recogni is all about. In doing so, it was important to make information easily digestible by presenting content in a way that encourages discovery, interest, evaluation, and conversion.

In order to create user journeys conducive to information discovery, we crafted an information architecture that seamlessly provides key information to target audience members; bringing the new brand messaging to fruition through the unique design and animation elements; prioritizing site performance and information discovery for users.

After implementing an information architecture strategy that would seamlessly guide users through the site, we then focused on providing a tech-driven look and feel with intuitive user journeys and simplified navigation to segment various audience members. By creating dynamic custom illustrations with interactive features, we were able to break up text and keep users informed, engaged, and on the site longer.

When designing Recogni’s digital presence, a primary objective was to create a lead generation funnel; ensuring technical content was clear and easily digestible for prospective clients, employees, investors, partners, and technology companies. By showcasing Recogni’s value proposition and core values, Big Drop was able to evoke a sense of brand credibility from audience members, keeping users engaged as they are pathed toward the "Contact Us" CTA.

Through this engagement, Big Drop was able to provide Recogni with a robust digital presence that doubled as a lead generation machine. Through purposeful content usage, simplified navigation and resource discovery, and the optimization of best-in-class technology; Big Drop created a digital experience for Recogni that shows their unique approach to designing a vision-oriented inference AI system.


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