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History of Data Science

history of data science web creation

Featuring the pioneers who paved the way in the earliest days of both science and mathematics in laying the foundation for today’s trailblazers, the History of Data Science tells the stories of those who have shaped the way in which data science powers everyday modern life.

Discovering Stories of the Heroes Who Transformed Our Lives

Dataiku’s History of Data Science project seek the help of Big Drop to design and develop their digital presence. The goal was to simplify and amplify the exploration of the experiences of heroes through the history of science. By crawling the existing website, identifying applicable pages to be eliminated and pages to be created, we better represented the History of Data Science’s presence.

In bringing the new History of Data Science site to life -- content was key. Big Drop focused on ensuring the presence of optimized, non-duplicated SEO-friendly title and description tags were present on every page. In doing so, we developed a full source code analysis to guarantee that content titles and subtitles were appropriately tagged.

In order to optimize the user's journey, we administered an information architecture strategy that features History of Data Science’s different experiences, latest articles, and favorite learning tools. Big Drop provided desktop and mobile friendly designs with appealing graphics and animations to capture the same tone and personality as the parent site, Dataiku.

After the execution of the information architecture strategy, we then targeted the navigational elements and lead generation; making sure users have easy access to materials that provide contextual links (emphasising key pages) as well as keeping users engaged. We then verified that robots.txt and sitemap.xml files existed and were properly set up; leading us to corroborate the usability of static sitemaps.

When focusing on the user's experience, a primary objective for the History of Data Science project was to clearly articulate the site's capabilities to audience members as well as track their experiences. Through the use of Google Analytics, we were able to observe what content works best at emphasizing key pages. These pages allowed audience members to sense Dataiku’s brand personality and excitement, which kept visitors engaged as they were directed to different featured periods and experiences.

Big Drop amplified History of Data Science’s digital presence with the use of Search Engine Optimization. After migrating all of the content over to the new page, Big Drop refreshed Dataiku’s informative page with a new look and feel. By breaking up text with the use of animated images and graphics, users stayed engaged for longer periods of time. By enhancing labels and tags, reimagining content, and registering and validating the site through Google Webmasters; Big Drop upgraded Dataiku’s History of Data Science digital presence in more than one way.

History of Data Science

80+ data science stories:

300+ years of data science history

2 immersive data science experiences

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