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Dataiku Website Design and Development

Dataiku is a billion-dollar software company that believes that data science, machine learning, and AI is crucial to innovate modern business- regardless of the size.

Taking Big Data Even Further

Dataiku is a leader in the space of Big Data and collaborative AI systems management but was lacking a digital presence that properly established its expertise in this specialized field. Dataiku was looking for a full website redesign that would display their authority in the industry and the benefits of their platform, all while keeping a modern and sleek aesthetic that showcased their extensive use cases, products, and more.

Dataiku needed a clear Information Architecture that allowed them to present their product offerings and use cases through storytelling while managing their extensive amount of resources, blogs, and online training assets.

To manage the massive content that lives on Dataiku’s website, our team focused on streamlining the UX. We implemented a mega menu, with the inclusion of a featured page links within the navigation to drive related marketing initiatives in each channel.

Utilizing a CMS that would better suit the needs of the internal teams, we migrated the Dataiku website to a Wordpress + Hubspot solution. This will allow the appropriate departments to update content.

Dataiku is more than AI and data - there are people behind the numbers. Our design was to include the human aspect of Dataiku’s business. The new website would not just focus on the products, but the vision and thought leadership behind the data.

We focused on integrating video, a simplified UX layout, and mobile-first optimizations. Utilizing a more user-friendly CMS that would allow the appropriate parties to make adjustments, as needed, without tapping additional team members.


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