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The ‘art’ in pARTnerships

May 15, 2018
Creative and Branding / Digital Marketing
by James Weiss
The art in partnerships
“If you can’t (or don’t want to) beat them, join them.”

Connecting. Collaborating. Creating. Celebrating.

It’s all easier said than done… but, that doesn’t mean it’s altogether impossible. The concepts of combining resources and aligning missions are finding more and more prevalence in the modern talent market, and with good reason – companies have found success in converting competitors to colleagues, and clients into viable sources of revenue beyond just their engagements.

There is plenty to go around, so why not capitalize on shared interests?

But, what makes a partnership work?

Like any relationship worth the investments of time and energy, there is an exchange from one party to another. Of course, transactions shouldn’t be one-sided, but even offering insight is enough to facilitate a connection or point of mutual agreement, between two separate entities. More to the point: value can be generated by creating it for others. (What a concept!)

In essence, partnerships are nothing more than relationships comprised of mutual trust and respect forged by clear communication and understanding. (Now, where have we heard this before?) The same techniques used to recruit clients can be applied to companies that operate in similar spaces or with complimentary agendas – and did we mention that the payoff can be equally (if not more) worthwhile? Let’s be clear, however: these types of relationships don’t happen overnight, in most cases. Yes, there will always be a need to quickly find a helping hand, but creating a long-lasting bond takes time. We know, we’ve been there… And, therein lies the challenge which gives origin to the artistry of the “strategic partnership.”

Beyond ‘Clients and Clients Alone’

Who doesn’t want to serve their clients to the best of their abilities? (Hint: if you actually answered this, at all, you need to rethink your priorities). As strategic business endeavors, partnerships offer opportunities to expand an organization’s reach and create both new revenue streams and supply chains for the parties involved.

At Big Drop, we’ve done just that. In response to significant demand from various marketing communications agencies, among many others, Big Drop has become a resource for firms to better serve their clients, and will begin working with our clients to direct them to the right services post-engagement. And, the fun has only just begun…

Get in touch with a member of our team to learn how we can collaborate. We’d love to hear from you!

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