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Freepoint Eco-Systems

freepoint website design and development

Freepoint Eco-Systems' mission is to address the global plastic waste problem. Leveraging industry resources, experience, and access to sophisticated recycling technology, Freepoint is developing innovative solutions that will contribute to a more sustainable future.

Developing Renewable Pathways for Plastic Waste

With the assistance of Big Drop, Freepoint Eco-Systems sought to redesign and develop its digital presence. The goal was to shape how customers and channel partners view Freepoint by transforming its website to be viewed as a sophisticated, trusted, and stable industry leader.

In bringing the new digital presence to life, Big Drop set out to highlight the true value of Freepoint’s Eco-Systems that help customers manage energy risk in a changing world. The website would be built to position Freepoint in an aesthetically visualizing perspective, keeping a cohesive appeal to a varied target audience.

We designed a user journey with straightforward content, resulting in a clear yet robust information architecture strategy that expresses what Freepoint Eco-Systems is all about; voicing their mission and values. Our team at Big Drop produced a digital presence that truly embodies Freepoint's solutions while highlighting their progressive leadership and remarkable industry partners by putting Freepoint's premium positioning into action on the new site.

We focused on establishing a custom look and feel with intuitive user journeys, engaging design, and streamlined resource discovery after implementing an information architecture strategy that flawlessly offers vital information to target audience members. By creating a user-friendly site with updated content and copy, Big Drop was able to evoke a sense of brand credibility from audience members, keeping users engaged as they were pathed toward the Contact Us CTA.

When focusing on the content strategy, a primary objective for Freepoint Eco-Systems was to outline the problems in the plastic manufacturing industry. By creating easily digestible visuals and animations, we were able to display important proof points and testimonials that recognize the issues associated with a linear economy; helping to show how Freepoint is creating solutions to promote more sustainable practices.

Big Drop was able to provide Freepoint Eco-Systems with a robust digital presence. Through optimizing content usage, simplified resource discovery, and premium positioning of the best-in-class environmental solutions; Big Drop created an engaging online experience for Freepoint Eco-Systems.

Freepoint Eco-Systems

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