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The Future Is Passwordless

Jan 19, 2023
Digital Marketing
by Sydney Frenkel
Blog post: The Future is Passwordless

Within the past few years, data privacy regulations have pushed marketers to the edge of their seats, oftentimes leaving them to wonder, if they will ever have the upper hand again. One thing has become very clear amidst these changes; the future of cybersecurity, and all the uncertainty that marketers feel, may soon offer some consolation. 

By all accounts, we are moving towards a passwordless world. 81% of all data breaches online stem from insecure passwords. The primary reason for security issues is the inconvenience of using passwords. When users are required to create multiple complex passwords on a daily basis, they often opt to reuse the same password on multiple sites. This creates a chain of risk if one of those services is hacked. And, let’s be honest, passwords for e-commerce are downright conversion killers.  

With the constant threat of cyberattacks and data breaches, traditional passwords have become increasingly vulnerable and unreliable. As a result, many companies and organizations are turning to alternative authentication methods to secure their systems and protect their sensitive information.

Zero Sign On Creates Passwordless Authentication

Zero Sign On (ZSO) enables passwordless authentication on mobile devices and desktops. FIDO2 allows users to use common devices to authenticate themselves to online services on both mobile and desktop devices. It includes the W3C’s WebAuthn specification and the FIDO Alliance’s Client-to-Authenticator Protocol (CTAP).

With ZSO and FIDO2 we can now imagine a world of passwordless authentication, where users anywhere on any device can become automatically validated before access is granted. Zero Sign-On (ZSO) provides passwordless access to enterprise cloud services on managed desktops using FIDO2 WebAuthn. It also allows secure login to your desktop through mobile push notifications.

Google recently announced their plans to move towards a ZSO future with their latest update. This update allows users to log into their Google accounts using biometric authentication methods, such as facial recognition or fingerprint scanning, instead of a traditional password. 

Biometric authentication is considered to be more secure because it is impossible to replicate or guess an individual’s biometric data.

Google’s passwordless update also includes the option for users to use two-factor authentication for added security. This method combines a password with a security code sent to a user’s phone, providing an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.

In addition to increased security, the passwordless update offers convenience and accessibility for users. With the ability to log in using biometric authentication, users no longer need to remember complex passwords and can easily access their accounts from any device.

Google’s move towards a passwordless future is a step in the right direction for the future of cybersecurity. As technology continues to advance, the use of biometric authentication and two-factor authentication will become more prevalent and secure ways to protect sensitive information.

ZSO and Ecommerce

A passwordless future will benefit eCommerce by making online transactions more secure. With traditional passwords, it is relatively easy for hackers to gain access to someone’s account if they can guess or obtain the password. This can lead to significant losses for both the individual and the company involved in the transaction.

Users will be able to securely authenticate themselves using a combination of factors, such as their device, biometric information, and other unique attributes; making it much harder for hackers to gain access to someone’s account, which will help to reduce the incidence of fraud and other security breaches.

Another benefit of a passwordless system is that it will make online transactions faster and more convenient for users. With traditional passwords, users often have to spend time remembering their login information, which can be frustrating and lead to abandoned purchases. With a passwordless system, users will be able to quickly and easily authenticate themselves, allowing them to complete their transactions quickly and efficiently.

In addition to these security and convenience benefits, a passwordless future will also help to improve the user experience in eCommerce. By making it easier and more convenient for users to transact online, companies will be able to encourage more people to shop online, which will help to drive growth in the eCommerce industry.

In Conclusion…

Overall, the push towards a passwordless future by companies like Google will have a number of benefits for the eCommerce industry. Making online transactions more secure and convenient will help drive growth in the industry and improve the overall user experience.

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